Wednesday, March 21, 2012




If you are not happy with your Current Situation & you have yet to Understand the Reasons Surrounding your Current Circumstances, then I Encourage you to Read & Study EACH of the Universal Laws of Attraction.
Start Applying these Laws to your Life & you Will Soon Start to See Dramatic Results. Remember, These are Laws, so They Are Working whether you Understand Them or Not. It's a Good Idea to Un...derstand Them & Make Them Work in Your Favor.

1. Law of Divine Oneness: Explains how we are all connected in someway. Everything we do, say or think is connected and effects all others and this vast universe we live in.

2. The Law of Vibration: Is all about how everything in this universe vibrates or moves. It also explains how each thing, sound, thought, emotion and words all have there very own vibration or frequency in which it lives.

3. The Law of Action: States that we must move in the direction of our dreams in order to achieve them. We must engage in some action that supports what we think about and or dream about.

4. The Law Of Correspondence: States “as above, so below” or in other words, everything has it’s own corresponding counterpart.

5. The Law Of Cause And Effect: This Universal Law I’m sure you’ve heard of. Maybe you know it by another name. You know: every action has an equal or opposite reaction. Yep, that’s this law in a nutshell.

6. The Law Of Compensation: Is really the Law of Cause and Effect as it relates to how we are provided with blessings based on our deeds and daily actions. You’ve heard what comes around goes around, well here it is, as a Law of Nature.

7. The Law Of Attraction: Is certainly the most talked about spiritual law but, it is not the only spiritual law as you can see on this page. This Universal Law is all about how we create the things and events in our lives with the energies we create with our thoughts, words, actions, and feelings.

8. The Law of Transmutation Of Energy: Demonstrates how all people have the ability and the power to change there current situations in life. You can do this by changing the energies that you are putting out into the world, by following and understanding these universal laws of attraction.

9. The Law of Relativity: States that all things are relative. We are all given our own roadblocks, our own personal challenges we must face in order to grow as individuals and by comparing yours to other peoples circumstances is a waste, because there situations are different, yet, relative.

10. The Law of Polarity: States that just like a magnet that has opposite polarities so does everything else in nature. Everything has an equal opposite such as good and evil or yes and no.

11. The Law of Rhythm: Explains how everything in the universe has it’s own rhythm. These rhythms are important to our very existence. These rhythms are what create the seasons. This rhythm is what the cycle of life is all about. All cycles have parts to them that we favor less and it is in how we deal with these things that are important.

12. The Law of Gender: Simply states that there is both a feminine and a masculine principle to all things in nature. It is up to us to open ourselves up to these gender principals to create balance in our lives. Imagine this law as the law of yin and yang.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012



Things rarely happen on their own. To get things handled, done, and accomplished successfully, one must take action. Considering that most people suffer from a procrastinating downfall, getting started can be tedious and difficult at times. Not to mention agonizing if you’re not use to taking action or if you are mentally preoccupied by something else. The getting started part can be harder than actually doing the task at hand. I’ve searched around and here are a few tips that you can use to help you, “SPRING INTO ACTION.”

1.       TAKE ACCOUNTABLITY AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOURSELF: You are your own person! You are your own boss, even if you are working for someone else. I’m not advising you to get cocky and arrogant, but I am advising you to understand your value and self-worth as a human being and as an individual. Once you do that, you’d then be able to prioritize two things; where you want to be in life and how can you get there? The next step from there is asking yourself, how long do you want this process to take to accomplish your goals? If you don’t mind taking 30 years to accomplish something, continue to procrastinate. Continue to define yourself as unworthy, lazy, irresponsible, unwilling, and regretful- because that’s what you’d be if you look up several days from today and realized that you missed out on opportunities and accomplishments when the only thing you had to do was, “Just Do”. Develop and manifest your personal standards through this tip and understand your value because through life, the last person you should allow to cheat yourself is YOU!
2.       DO NOT SAY IF JUST ASK HOW: “If I do this, I’d be that…”, “If I do this later, I can do something else now…”, “If I do this, it might turn out positive…” etc. etc. When you make a statement, whether you know it or not, you are sending it out into the atmosphere by using forced energy. Ask yourself, “When I speak, or announce, or do what kind of forces of energy would I like to back up my actions?” If you are seeking positive energy for a positive outcome, use positive affirmations when you take on a task. “I will do this today…”, “I’m going to have this complete and finished by…”, “I will succeed at the task at hand…”. Before you begin to do anything or once you begin to think about your actions, put a positive twist on it and affirm it into the universe. This will cause a domino effect of realistic manifestation- granting you access to a different world in which you might have not experienced before. When a person says “if”, they are not confident about the outcome. Speaking strongly by demanding that “you will” will help you actually do whatever it is that you need to do. Saying “if”, not only says that you’re not confident but says that you don’t know how. Now if you don’t know how- LEARN HOW BY ASKING HOW. Get to the bottom of the mystery by putting knowledge in your brain to keep you from being ignorant so that you may properly accomplish your goal(s).
3.       GET ENTHUSIASTIC AND MATIVATED: If you desire to do something, but have yet acted upon your wants and needs, then your desire to accomplish your goal does not match your desire to want it. You have to get motivated! Feed your brain with ways to stay inspired and encouraged. You have to almost psych yourself out by consciously amplifying your subconscious into finding what you seek by any means necessary. Get happy about the task at hand; because the gratitude of accomplishments will increase once the benefits start pouring in. Motivation and enthusiasm will push you towards pursing your goals. Before you know it, you’d be eager to coast the journey of taking action. Shout for joy! Smile! Sing! Do whatever you have to do to energize your mind, spirit, and body towards handling your business and taking action. If not for success or for yourself, do it because you are able to do it, because there is someone out there who is not only incapable physically but mentally as well.
4.       START OFF BY TAKING BABY STEPS: Before we became mobile adults, we were once a baby, a toddler, a child, a teenager, and a young adult. Before we got to where we are today, we had to learn to crawl, walk, and speak. Before you decide to save the world, start off by saving yourself, your environment, and your city. Once you tackle those, you’d then be able to take on the state and country as well, metaphorically speaking. The point is, it may take time to accomplish your long term goals but that doesn’t mean that you can’t start off by focusing on the short term goals first. I’m not saying be less ambitious but start off with something that isn’t too time consuming or do something that doesn’t seem so hard. In the land of procrastination, jumping into a huge responsibility seems discouraging at times.
5.       MAKE A TO DO LIST:  Once you’ve mentally prepared yourself to take action, write a to-do list of the things that you have to do, want to do, and need to do. Write this list as you see fit. I always write mine from most important to least important, and less tedious to hectic. I do the easiest, most important task first, and then later tackle the hectic heavy task. Before you know it, you’d have everything on your list complete with time to spare for leisure.
I hope that you take everything that you’ve read or skimmed through into consideration. No one wants to look up and see that their life has passed them by. No one wants to live in fear of doing and regret. No one wants to be held back. When you feel discouraged, refer back to this, try to remain positive, and take a deep breath. We are all individuals and move at our own pace; remember that before you get caught up in the rat race. 

Sunday, March 18, 2012


"TO INFINITY AND BEYOND" ... I guess this was a famous quote in the early 90's by BUZZ LIGHTYEAR. This is fine and dandy because inside every adult was once and still lives a child. In fact, that's pretty much the problem with most adults these days, we're too consumed and wrapped up in "the rat race"; paying bills, going to work, taking care of our children, our household, business, and family, that we forget to appreciate the simple things in life that we once use to notice daily as a child. Our sense of humor was even different. Remember laughing out loud for no reason? Saying stale jokes, just because you wanted to laugh at something? Or even yelling into the sky, as the sun beamed in your eyes, just to hear your voice eco across the atmosphere? Well, I do. I also remember complaining that the birds were chirping too loudly, lol. My mother, once told me to appreciate that sound because once I became an adult, I wouldn't notice simple sounds such as the birds chirping. I brushed her off, not being able to wrap my young inexperienced mind around what she said, but she was right. As an adult, you gradually become "OF THIS WORLD". Being "of this world" means that you are too consumed and caught up with unrealistic ideals of what life should be and how it is supposed to be. Realistically speaking, regardless of how you see your life or fate, no one knows how life is supposed to be. Our only mission to life is to live it, roll with the punches, and take it day by day. Life throws us unexpected curve balls, which is why we endure so many trials and tribulations. Those trials and tribulations build our character and consciousness. Well, at least it should. The key word in the sentence before last is"CONCIOUSNESS". Consciousness is being aware both mentally and physically. If you can consciously accept the problems in life, then you can subconsciously change your outcome of the situation by developing and manifesting your character mentally. Now, what you do physically is an example of what you've learned from those lessons that you faced. Try to keep a positive mindset when enduring those situations, that way you'd separate yourself from the negative. You'd become one less person who is... in this world but not of this world.



            The mission is to produce supportive projects in the community to generate unity, financial independence, awareness, creativity, and peace.

·         To promote peace, love, support, and unity throughout the projects that we produce.

·         To produce projects thats' intended to encourage knowledge, strength, awareness, and creativity.

·         To promote positive energy and messages in which we convey to the public.

·         To promote and produce entertainment with a positive message.

·         To gather a collected group of people, from youth to adults, that shares the same interest and way of life. In which, we only collaborate with people of the same stature and mutual understanding.

·         To collaborate with opportunist, people who wish to build, manifest, and grow.


            Platinum Peace Productions will be the conductor of a new found revolution by developing an empire in which we control our own positive means of media, communication, cash flow, and community. We do so producing and promoting projects that are intended to reflect our overall intentions. We wish to seek and take advantage of every opportunity to assure that the needs of the program and its people are being met.


Our project will serve the community at large. By doing so, we will be motivating them to have independent minds, abilities, and actions, yet encouraging togetherness, support, and unity. Through this tight nit community we support uniqueness and individuality by loving and caring for everyone we come in contact with, collaborate, and network with.

We offer performance opportunities and exposure for unheard voices, artists, and new faces. We also organize communities, educate, and offer means, knowledge, and available resources to all participators and supporters of this organization.

We represent truth and understanding through knowledge, creativity, and unity. By knowing through self-education, one will be able to properly build opportunities, awareness, and means to help others in the process. The fact of being ignorant will no longer apply, which is one less limitation we convey through our active duties. For this reason, we can accomplish anything as individuals, an organization, a community, and as a whole. Through the direction of promoting a healthy, peaceful, and a positive mindset we will inspire, encourage, and attract success through the law of attraction. By participating and supporting this organization, you are manifesting and contributing towards growth, success, and divine order. We are a collected group of right brain thinkers who stand for love, unity, creativity, understanding, and peace.


By supporting and participating in an organization like this gives true meaning to the saying, “it takes a village to raise a child.” Whether one believes so or not, we are all children of God, an ultimate being of love, energy, and natural abilities. This world is his village. As a responsible, supporting, and active organization it’s our duty to love all and help our people towards success, knowledge, and both needed and available resources by any means necessary.



·         Mediation of truth through journalism, projection of voice overs, and video aid reports such as video recordings and interviews.

·         We produce events, showcases, and entertainment.

·         We offer positive reinforcement opportunities for both youth and adults in surrounding communities to its residents, family, participators, and supporters.