Sunday, March 18, 2012


"TO INFINITY AND BEYOND" ... I guess this was a famous quote in the early 90's by BUZZ LIGHTYEAR. This is fine and dandy because inside every adult was once and still lives a child. In fact, that's pretty much the problem with most adults these days, we're too consumed and wrapped up in "the rat race"; paying bills, going to work, taking care of our children, our household, business, and family, that we forget to appreciate the simple things in life that we once use to notice daily as a child. Our sense of humor was even different. Remember laughing out loud for no reason? Saying stale jokes, just because you wanted to laugh at something? Or even yelling into the sky, as the sun beamed in your eyes, just to hear your voice eco across the atmosphere? Well, I do. I also remember complaining that the birds were chirping too loudly, lol. My mother, once told me to appreciate that sound because once I became an adult, I wouldn't notice simple sounds such as the birds chirping. I brushed her off, not being able to wrap my young inexperienced mind around what she said, but she was right. As an adult, you gradually become "OF THIS WORLD". Being "of this world" means that you are too consumed and caught up with unrealistic ideals of what life should be and how it is supposed to be. Realistically speaking, regardless of how you see your life or fate, no one knows how life is supposed to be. Our only mission to life is to live it, roll with the punches, and take it day by day. Life throws us unexpected curve balls, which is why we endure so many trials and tribulations. Those trials and tribulations build our character and consciousness. Well, at least it should. The key word in the sentence before last is"CONCIOUSNESS". Consciousness is being aware both mentally and physically. If you can consciously accept the problems in life, then you can subconsciously change your outcome of the situation by developing and manifesting your character mentally. Now, what you do physically is an example of what you've learned from those lessons that you faced. Try to keep a positive mindset when enduring those situations, that way you'd separate yourself from the negative. You'd become one less person who is... in this world but not of this world.

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